Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running Around

When no one has a traditional job in the house, the weekends aren't really that much different than the rest of the week, yet they still kind of serve as a firebreak from the norma routine.  Sundays are almost always kind of a lazy day, just making it up as we go along.

The kids almost never nap at the same time and Ed normally has a couple of hours of time by himself.  Today he and I went wandering through the woods picking up acorns and sticks when we heard someone sneaking up behind us.  Dana had woken up and she and Mere were following our wagon tracks.  We decided to head home so the kids and I could go the playground to give mere a break.

Wagon ride

The playground on Sunday afternoon is always a hit or miss affair, especially during football season.  Sometimes there are bunch of kids there with moms that are trying to hide from the football game, but the weather was chilly and overcast today so there were only a couple of kids.  While Dana was off playing with some random children, Ed found a truck at the sandbox and proceded to move some serious sand.

Playing with Park Toys

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