Monday, October 4, 2010

Turkeys Inside and Out

Ed learned a new phrase last night to great comic effect.  A few weeks ago the word, "noodle" was just as hilarious to him.  He couldn't eat his dinner from laughing so hard whenever anyone said the word.  Things won't be that funny to him again until college.

As the kids were working on their second or third breakfast this morning, it is hard to keep track, HRH ran into the kitchen yelling, "The turkeys are coming to visit!"  I wandered over to the window to try and figure out exactly what that meant in her world and it was pretty straight forward.  There were two turkeys browsing through the front yard. Of course our crack watchdogs didn't notice the birds for well over twenty minutes, but that is to be expected.

Settling Down for the Night

As I'm finishing up chores in the house tonight, I hear HRH milling about in the living room.  I look over to see she had dragged the bear out and was starting to tuck it in to bed on the floor.  She proceded to "read" the book to the pumpkin and bear announcing, "I'm going to sleep here" when she was finished.  I had to talk her in to going upstairs by explaining that Ed was going to get up much earlier than she was in the morning, so she could sleep in if she went to her own room.  I wish that someone would give me that kind of option.

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